职业机会似乎几乎是无限的,并且在不断发展. 今天很多最有价值的职业和行业在十年前根本不存在.
职业机会似乎几乎是无限的,并且在不断发展. 今天很多最有价值的职业和行业在十年前根本不存在.
* 2019年全国家庭安全和安保委员会
让我们面对现实吧, 高等教育是一种投资, 但它并不一定要搞垮银行或积累过多的贷款. JWCC是一个负担得起的选择,学生:
*For 2022-2023 academic year in-district tuition, based on 32 hours or 16 credit hours per semester. 学费和学杂费 (区内= $170/学分时,网上= $200/学分时,区外= $280/学分时). 费用根据实验室、班级和项目而有所不同. 学费更低,平均助学金和兼职奖学金, 全日制学生,2022-2023学年.
We strongly encourage parents to talk frankly with their children regarding the financial impact of college choices. Most students don’t think about the long-term burden of paying off college loans for 10-15+ years after graduation. 通知贷款不包括在上述等式中. 贷款只是帮助你偿还债务的一种工具,而不是减少你的学费或总成本. Help 你的 student understand the actual comprehensive costs (including interest) associated with their college options.
奖学金 and financial aid are available; to be eligible, 学生应在10月1日之后尽快完成FAFSA. 我们的 财政援助办公室 可以帮助.
作为年轻人, 学生有责任学习并充分利用JWCC提供的资源. 然而,在这段旅程中,家长可以做一些事情来支持学生:
沟通是关键! 和两所学校的顾问谈谈项目、截止日期、奖学金等. 在JWCC, we work directly with transfer schools to customize degree plans to ensure students take the classes needed for their specific transfer school and program.
专业技巧: All four-year institutions have an admissions advisor who specializes in recruiting transfer students from other schools- especially community colleges. 与转学顾问联系,了解学校的具体转学流程, 奖学金, 截止日期和支持!
JWCC的全日制学费约为每学年5200美元. 对这意味着什么有一个现实的估计 你的 家庭,我们提供一个 工作表 以帮助汇总费用,然后减去奖学金和经济援助. JWCC也有付款计划和贷款来帮助解决余额. 许多学生和家庭能够“量入为出”,从JWCC毕业时没有债务. 学生在每学期注册时了解他们的确切费用.
JWCC does 不 have housing; many JWCC students continue to live at home and commute to the campus. Students who choose to live on their own or need to move closer to campus find houses or apartment complexes on their own. Many students live in apartments on North 12th Street or at Ridgebrook Apartments at the intersection of 24th Street and Harrison.
所有JWCC学分将被转移到其他学院, 但重要的是要确保您从JWCC转出的类是准确的类 以满足你的特定学校和项目的要求. JWCC advisors work directly with transfer schools to customize a degree plan to ensure students are taking the classes that fulfill the requirements of their specific transfer school and program.
JWCC有学生支持项目,包括TRIO和Perkins. JWCC的残疾和无障碍办公室以多种方式帮助学生. 除了, JWCC提供辅导, 探路者的连接, 食品储藏室, 咨询服务, 更多的是为了支持我们的学生. 我们还有一位退伍军人事务专家.
当学生高中毕业后继续住在家里, 这可能会给亲子关系带来额外的压力. This is a time for students to begin “adulting” and that transition is important even if 你的 student is still living with you. 这里有一些让路径更平滑的技巧:
住在家里并不意味着你要错过大学生活. Embrace the opportunities for new experiences and exercise more independence while still living in peace with 你的 family. 下面这些建议会有所帮助: